This is the question am asking myself and others, do we really make music for ourselves? am finding this question a little more awkward!
I love music so much, it does things to me that i can't describe, it has a phyisical affect on me, giving me goose bumps or making my heart thump! And this is what am trying to create in the music i make with the calm project, emotional strings, crazy beats, and passionate vocals, this is what i live for and want to express!
I put my complete self into the music i make, its not about being famous or grabbing a record contract, tho some backing and money would be nice, i find most people do not get or understand what am trying to do, they see a laptop and probably think, he can't play or the computer is doing the work! The reality is i can play, and the music i make is played by others, as i want to be free to sing, and to express myself, just because you see a laptop doesn't mean i can't play, its a tool for making music, laptops are the new strats!
The music you hear is from me, written and played for, its an expression of emotional content, in which i deliver myself and my music...
Evolve or die