Well times are changing, this time next week i will be in a new city and hopefully making a difference.
Due to circumstances i am changing towns and will hopefully be more excepted that i was in the northwest area, i am hoping there would be more exceptence of new music and experimental electronica...
As the so called capital of music is only open to acoustic acts and beatle rip offs, music has not progressed since 1969, and is slowly imploding upon its self.
I would like to establish The Calm Project and Subject B, when am down there, and hopefully have a new live set of music as well as live show, including visuals and using different instruments on stage, i feel i have a new lease of life and am excited to be moving on and having a fresh start, the world feels very optimistic for me now, and i have not had this feeling for along time, especially in the northwest, too many clicks and too many back stabber's, this is not the environment for me and i will hopefully change all that, saying this i am really gonna miss my close friends, and the bands i enjoyed watching!
But times are a changin, and so am i, the question is why aren't you?