My mind is consuming so much in the past 2 weeks from moving out of Bath to the North and looking for a flat and work, i envy people who can make a living from music, as i don't seem to make a living from anything and am desperate to change that drastically!
Another problem is how i want to see my music performed and what i want next in the next installment of my saga/life, the music i am doing now feels so free, full of ideas and melody and beats that just get me in the mood to scream 'fuck me that's a beat' the challenge now is to translate all this live, i have mentioned before visuals would be cool and i have found ideas on what i want to do, but the music side is frightening me, as i want musicians involved but will they get what's inside my mind? the answer is who the fuck knows? that moment has to realise itself when am in a room with new people. Am feeling i want a dramatic maybe even Gothic to lean too, the music right now which i have labelled 'Ghost Tape' is switching to a more darker side, which i love and embrace as it works with my vocal and vision...
Oh and a small rant about stage school musicians, please fucking music business people look online and discover someone new who is talented and not posh or from a public school, music that is played by guitars doesn't always mean its good, music is symphonic it can be more than 6 strings of nothing!
OK rant over feelings spared maybe one day i will say something far more worse :P