Hello people of The Calm Project Blog reading brigade, i know your few but i love each and everyone of you X
This is an update of what am upto and the world that is Tha Calm Project, over the weekend i decided to put my creative bones into use and come up with a music video.
I recently wrote a song called Polaroid and wanted to create something special to show off this recent song, so i decided to make a video, as the song was called Polaroid i needed alot of pictures to create what is in my head, this is where Rebecca Tame Photography came in, she produced alsorts of shots for me to use within the video, using props and changing my general appearance using make up and glasses and props etc...
The result came out very well, using limited movie making software i put together all the images and changed the photo to suit the style of video in my head, this took many hours and computer failing for me to get the end result, but after 5 hours and the computer self shutting down at least a dozen it finally paid off!
And here is the result: