Its Blog time, you know the place where you run and listen too all the useless words i spout from my mouth!
WELL i think my project for Ghost Tape is done, a few adjustments and maybe some new vocals parts but its done i have written about 15 tracks but will be using only 10 on the album so to speak...
This series of sounds and music has been written from about feb-mar time to just last week, they have taken on a new sound for me trying to leave away the orchestral sounds, and instead use more percussive sounds and beats with different textures (think i got carried away with Harp), all in all the music is done, and i am hearing new sounds right now i want to concentrate on, more about that when i get to that state in time!
For now Ghosts or Ghost Tape, or even Ghosts in machines, who knows? The music i tried to make was a sound that has not been used before, clashing beats and textures with epic vocals, i found the whole experience a good one and have had some positive feedback from the those who listened. However I still don't think people get the music, or not want to get to know the music, making something that doesn't fit a genre or a style is looked at like a dirty whore you want to try but you don't in the end ;p, i think am falling into the trap of being a whore, musical scum you might say!
I personally think its my most POP set of music to date, but i see music as dead batteries being pulled apart my mechanical crows, from the last statement your thinking what the f??K? and you be right, but for one of the beats thats what i visualized and am not trying to be clever thats what i saw!
So who knows next? I will when its done put it out there, but due to my last effort will probably get zero response pretty much like my life in general, i live my art :(
Oh well maybe i will be seen as a musical genius once am dead!!!!!!
Evolve or die