Well for those that bother or actually give a shit, this is a note/blog for inspiration and hope, i am struggling with being inspired and finishing music, and actually just being happy with what am producing, but this goes far beyond just music, as art represents life this is my life and this is my struggle, being inspired not only to make music but also to make life, as everything is pretty much dead until life is given too things, for me right now death is at my door and i can't find life, i don't hear anything good anymore, music is pretty much dead too me, especially in the local scene where its full of rich kids wanting to be famous, or just full of lifeless rock statues who fall into the blurs or cliche and pretty much give you the same old crap, i find the object of creativity and the ideals of being rich the culprit for what is happening today, don't believe the hype and seek the artist because its they who deliver, this is not about playing the guitar its about who gives themselves to art!