Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Update and various ramblings

Hey ho lets go people....

Well the update this moment is that i have new songs and ideas written and i am working on arrangements and some sonic wizardry and hoping the tracks will take shape and become something very special!

I have probably written about 15 tracks so far, but not all of them in one pack make sense so i am trying to make the batch of songs i have flow, and for the album to work as a complete form of art, as far as it comes to singles or anything to share, that will be determined at a later date, right now making and producing something that i am happy with is the first thing on my mind right now. The songs do have some lovely amazing moments and the music is developing into something that i am very happy with, i must warn you this can all change very quickly as i get bored very easily about things like this, i am my own worst nightmare when it comes to matters like this i will write something then hate it then 6 months down the line like it again!

Also i think i have a title for the album, but all that will be revealed at a later date, right now its recording arranging and at some point adding vocals and then finally mixing and mastering the music as you can plainly see from that point i am well behind when it comes to finishing, i am starting to wonder if it will make a summer release?
And then artwork will be next, so yes i have a lot of work ahead of me and i need to get my butt into gear because this is going slow, and i am not sure peoples attention span would be so forgiving when i don't release anything :(

As for other projects such as Subject B and anything else i do watch this space



Friday, 4 May 2012


Hello and welcome once again to the blog of The Calm Project, well since my last blog i have been very creative and been working on new music, i have 4 songs almost near complete and a lot more ideas to come, this could well be a 12 track album i am working on, i wanted to change the sound and ideas from where i have been because as you know people EVOLVE OR DIE!

Okay where to begin, this new direction i am going down is different but also some of the usual flavors are still in the mixing pot :) The Music has evolved into something new, the tracks are a mix of songs and instrumentals using field recordings and found sounds, it is not new to me but i want this album to be a true expression of how i am feeling and what i have gone through this year, as i say all great art comes from the heart and not the ego, as for some acts wanting to be famous takes precedence over the music and for me this is all wrong!

I don't want to give too much away but here are a few song titles :

Voices from beyond the Grave
Broken Chains

The theme is darker and more disturbing than before, here i am pulling out all i know about myself and life into this music and i am hoping people come to understand where it is i am speaking from...
I really can't wait to share this music once its finished and let the world see what it is i am up too, the music will be released by myself and my netlabel Neuroplastic so be ready guys for something new from The Calm Project this year

Evolve or die