Tuesday, 12 June 2012


Hello to anyone that reads my ramblings this is a update kinder thing, well a rant maybe who knows until i finish writing....

Well there has been a progression in my writing of the next album which will be released via Neuroplastic records :) But what i am finding as i continue to write and come up with new music i am finding the next track i write i like better than the last one so that gets bumped off and the album is continually growing and new parts are being added which is great don't get me wrong but when your trying to complete a record and your constantly writing new material it becomes difficult, it feels like this is gonna be a double album sorta record, but to be very honest i don't want to do that, i find i am becoming pushed and some what discouraged from my muse and i am finding it a difficult transition to finishing and completing the record, there are some great new songs and beats but doing vocals is the thing thats getting to me down as i haven't got great equipment right now and i am scared the end result will be basically shit! Certainly compared to the people on the label who seem to make interesting and yet big sounding shiny music, while mine sounds dull and muddy, i knew i should have gone to audio engineering school and learnt more!
I am starting to wish someone would produce and finish this record for me, or give me a time to record vocals in a studio, i guess i just have to keep at it and continue to destroy my brain with the complex nature of satisfying my mind!

Evolve or Die