The reason why am calling it quits for now, is due to disappointment in music and live music, seems nothing new or interesting can have a place right now, and only if you supply to the masses your aloud the platform to give what the public want, same old shit!
That's not how i am, i prefer to make something new, challenge the listener and give them something different, i am not saying i am new, but i am saying i am different, if people understand that the music isn't alien, but just the good parts of music i like, they may just understand and get it, i want this break and opportunity to work on visual and live aspect, as i know i can deliver more than what you expect, also to find a venue, that doesn't apply by facist regime to who or what plays on a stage, i am tired of the same boring music, or the so called kooky cool music, its dead and boring, EVOLVE OR DIE!
The Calm Project will be back, perhaps different and maybe different line up, i would like to extend this offer to whoever reads this blog, and if you would like to be involve contact me through here or myspace, facebook etc...
Music is one of the most important things in my life, and people have ruined this for me, your contrived approach to being a sellout sickens me, your not making music your copying artists, there is nothing original anymore, what happened to exploring and taking risks, music and art evolves people, it doesn't spend hours creating hooks, were not machines were human beings, when you say the next time your open minded about making music, how about stop and realise your lying!
E x
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