Hey people welcome back to my blog, for all those who read i hope you enjoy my updates and rants on music, if your new then welcome to the calm project blog...
My update this week is why people never take risks with their music? I love exploring and finding new ideas and music to make or at least try and make new music for people to listen too...
I am right in the middle of working on new tracks for the calm project, they are in the electronic vein, but lend themselves to a more orchestral approach, with some sneaky beats and synth lines too.
What i am hearing right now is pure shit, all i keep hearing is the same music, boring stuck in the 80's synth pop, or people who really can't sing or play, what the fuck is up with this, and yet simon cowel said on one show people don't take risks, well mr cowell alot of people do and continue to make amazing music, maybe if the public would stop buying music that there told to like, and maybe get some balls and look at and buy new music!!!!!

For me music has not evolved one bit, and its still not evolving at all, at a push of my knowledge of music only one album i know has pushed musical boundaries in a song structure and thats Scott Walkers the drift, there are also other acts who continue to evolve such as Bjork, Who makes you listen to avant-guarde music while she sings to you, now that is amazing...
Also another amazing artist from Britain that we just let go was Martin Grech, not only have all his albums been different and new, but also taken major leaps and risks, and foolish enough island records let him go, perhaps if he had better marketing he would be more known, but that could also be a bad thing, right now the word is he is working on a 4th album and for me i can't wait to hear that record, his voice arrangements and music always keep me interested and i think its a huge shame that he doesn't get the surpport that he deserves!
But the problem is maybe this is what happens to all musical risk takers, maybe the risks they take will always end up at the bottom of the heap, my own opinion thats full of shit, if it wasn't for people taking risks music would be dead, and for me they keep their integrity is a whole lot more than selling units!
Make music matter and take risks, music is there to be explored and loved, lets not make packet soup out of the same formula....
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