Well from the hurried response from my last blog i am quickly getting another one out so you can all ignore, i sure start calling this my internal monologue rather than blog, anyway!
I have some demo's and would like opinions on them and what u think should change or keep etc, this is not because am ashamed its just i like working with people but right now thats not happening so putting my ideas out there might get some help and collabaration happening? Who knows? I certainly don't!
Anyway if there is anyone who would like to lend a hand and listen then by all means get in touch it would be great to hear what you think?
Right now am in two minds to put up the tracks as demos or wait till am happy with them first, this is my thought process and am not sure what to do next?
The new songs:
Suffocate, Falling, Breaking away the ice, And Ghosts, the latter is already up on soundcloud for you to hear, i do like that one and quiet pleased with the results on that track, just not sure about the others?
Anyway listen and love and EVOLVE OR DIE
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