Well Ghost Tape was released last month and a few people bought it who i love and respect, some family well one, and the others musician friends i met online, who i respect and love, they are true artists and musicians who appreciate new music and support others, this is now becoming a rare thing especially in this day and age, i have felt zero support else where between people i know, people i have helped along the way, and people who i consider friends! This hurt me more than you will ever know, and for that i can never forgive them...
To sum it all up through out my life i have been to other peoples gigs supported their music and helped as much as i can this would often include traveling for other an hour to watch and be there for them, who people i have given my musical mind as well as instruments to borrow and been a friend, ever since that, i though it would be reciprocated back, oh how i was wrong on many fucking levels!!!!
On a personal level i have maybe not been around as much these days and thats down to being broke and having no money, and it seems for me that is not enough or even forgiven, i have never felt so let down by people in all my life, and it gets me thinking has this always been the case... Because right now i feel completely alienated by "friends" and i find this so fucking sad especially when they preach friendship and love, i have felt nothing in anyways these emotions given to me, i feel numb by this!!!!!
I am not asking everyone to buy my album because i know choice and taste will collide and people will not want to own my music that is beyond fine, what i ask for is respect for me as a musician as an artists but most of all a person, for me and all the time and effort i have given to many people in return i have felt nothing, for me this is sad and very upsetting to me, as i only ask for friendship and nothing else!
The other thing is i am going to start work on new music, i am already collecting found sounds and later will hopefully be working with others on ideas and music, and to some point will be pulling all the ties together to make some new music, this project is in motion and will hopefully start to come together next year!
I am starting to wonder will this get any support as much as my last release?
I don't fucking know anymore... I always say Evolve or Die, but this is clearly not happening anymore... either way
hey Iain, on a certain level I can relate to the feeling you express above, what I've learned the past few years is that you can't force ears or will and that only a small number of people are true to face value, the best advice i can give is to try stay positive and keep doing what you do so well: make quality music! Emile